Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Hayfever advergame beamed to mobiles by radio

It’s still a little while before we have to worry about hayfever here in London but it seems that in Japan things are already gearing up for pollen season, possibly spurred on by the first cherry blossoms of the year. I’ve already posted about hayfever haiku of the day and today Fumakilla, manufacturers of a hayfever remedy, launched a special hayfever-themed advergame for mobiles.

The main feature of the game is not its weird plot (a kind of space invaders where you control a giant hand and must stick your finger up giant noses), but the way it’s delivered to the consumer. Fumakilla have teamed up with Tokyo Radio to beam the advergame over the digital radio spectrum. When the radio station plays a commercial for Fumakilla’s product, the minigame will automatically launch on the handset of consumers listening in on digital radio with their mobiles.

Sending mobile content over digital radio and TV signals is a great way of adding interactivity to traditional broadcast. Also, receiving the data is free to the consumer as nothing is sent over the operator network.

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